Here are 3 great glute stretches which can help improve flexibility, relieve back, hip and knee pain and prevent injuries. The glutes are very powerful and strong muscles and often times they overpower the weak and "paper thin" low back muscles. By releasing those tight glute muscles you can take the tension off your low back. Also, IT Band tension may be caused by tight attachment muscles (Glute Max and TFL)
You only need to do 1 or 2 of these glute stretches - pick whichever you prefer. To be most effective you need to: Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat it 3 times.
All the pictures show the right glute muscles being stretched.
1) Pretzel Stretch
Starting Position: Lie flat on your back and bend both knees. Cross one leg over the other so your lower leg is on the opposite knee. Grab the other leg with both hands by putting your hands around the thigh.
Action: Bring both knees towards your chest and gently pull the uncrossed leg towards you until you feel a stretch in your buttock. Hold for 30 secs
Repetition: Repeat 3 times, 2x daily, or before and after exercise

Starting Position: Sit on the floor with one straight and the other leg bent and crossed over.
Action: Turn your body towards the bent knee side until you feel a stretch in your buttocks. Hold for 30 secs
Repetition: Repeat 3 times, 2x daily, or before and after exercise
Progression: 1) Bend one knee and cross it over the other leg so your foot is by the other knee. Repeat the stretch.
2) Stretch the glutes further by anchoring your elbow round the bent knee and pulling the knee further over to the opposite side

Starting Position: Sit in a chair and cross 1 leg so that the foot is resting on the other knee as shown.
Action: Gently lean forward until a stretch is felt in the buttock of the crossed leg. Pull the knee closer to the body. Hold for 30 seconds.
Repetition: Repeat 3 times, 2x daily, or before and after exercise
1) Gently push down on your knee to increase the glutes stretch
2) Progress further by leaning towards the foot resting on your knee ie away from the side you are stretching