1. Vegetables should make up the bulk of your diet. Variety is really the spice of life, particularly when it comes to fruit and vegetables. Aim for at least 10 different types of vegetables/Day with half being cooked and half being raw. Try to plan your meals ahead of time and ideally use fresh or frozen products, no deep fried or salted products.
Artichokes - Avocado - Peppers - Broccoli - Beets - Carrots - Cauliflower - Cucumber - Corn - Eggplant - Radish - Spinach - Turnip - Tomatoes - Squash - Snow Peas - String Beans - Zucchini
2. Fruits are also very beneficial to keeping essential nutrients to accelerate healing but they are higher in fructose (sugar) content and can spike an insulin response when eaten in excess. A moderate amount each day (4-5) will help keep the healing process going.
Apple - Apricot - Banana - Blackberries - Blueberries - Cantaloupe - Cherries - Coconut - Figs - Grapes - Kiwi - Orange - Mango - Nectarine - Papaya - Peach - Pear - Pineapple - Plum - Raspberries - Strawberries - Tangerines - Watermelon
3. Nuts and Seeds are essential sources of minerals, healthy fats, and protein. These are all important elements to fight inflammation. Keeping a bag or container of them at your work or easy to access at home they are the perfect snacking foods when you are hungry. It is best to eat them raw.
Almonds - Cashews - Filberts - Flax Seeds - Macadamias - Pecan - Pistachios - Sesame Seeds - Walnuts - Peanuts - Pumpkin seeds
4. Meat & Fish is best to eat wild or free range organically-grown animals.
Lamb - Buffalo - Beef (grass fed) - Venison - Elk - Turkey - Salmon (wild) - Sardines - Trout - Halibut - Mackerel